Cambodian Signs

Cambodian hand-painted signs from the provinces – my current minor non-food obsession.

Addendum (12 April 2007): If you can’t see the fancy photo thing above, the signs are available in my Cambodian sign flickr set.

7 thoughts on “Cambodian Signs”

  1. Hey Phil

    Very cool display (very Chez Pim).

    I am sure I read a few years back about an international (probably France?) gallery somewhere holding an exhibition about Khmer handpainted shop signs?

    I always regret not buying one when I was living in Cambodge.

    I especailly like the man with the moustache

  2. I too love the moustache guy. My inamorata gave me a sign that says “buying all kinds of moto” with a chaly on it for my birthday, but I’m tempted to get the moustache guy copied as well.

  3. Thanks for this. We took thousands of photos of signs like these (mostly my partner’s project), and never did anything for them. Here’s a link to a few I just uploaded. Link

  4. I think I figured out most of them but am unsure about the painting one…is it an art studio, art gallery, or a scenic spot where it’s so beautiful you have to paint?! 😉

  5. Rasa – Both the painting ones are for a sign painter. They’re opposite sides of the same sign. He was located in downtown Anlong Veng, up on the Thai border.

  6. I take sporadic shots whenever I can – another reason I want to shell out for a camera-phone. You never know when you’re going to spot an awesome one.

    There was also a book published about a year back.

    I love this stuff, maybe we should set up a Flickr group specifically for Khmer signs? (*After* the New Year.)

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